Tui Holidays
Posted: Thursday, 21st January 2021 11:07 am
We are a team of six staff and between us we have over 130 years knowledge of the travel industry, thanks to our extensive airline, and cruise experience and knowledge of all things holiday!
We are an award winning team and have won shop of the region on several occasions, along with winning manager, deputy, and travel advisor of the year.We have a very loyal base of customers whom we thank sincerely, and are always delighted to welcome new Tui customers.
We have a busy foreign exchange, are digitally inspirational and welcome communication via phone or e-mail, and also look forward to your visit to the store.We are proud to be part of the Heswall community and we are extremely passionate about offering the best customer service.
Stay safe in these surreal times and once we can look forward to travelling again my team are ready to welcome you all.Share: