WOW: Week of walk-Ins with seven vaccination sites available in Wirral

Across Wirral, seven vaccination sites are offering walk-in appointments as part of a week-long push on walk-in sites to increase protection against the Omicron variant.
The Week of Walk-ins initiative, which ends on Sunday, 23 January, aims to raise awareness of how easy and convenient it is to get vaccinated and protected from becoming seriously ill with COVID-19.
Walk-in sites allow people to turn up to participating vaccine clinics without making an appointment and get either first, second or booster dose of the vaccine around their work and social commitments.
Five of the sites: Birkenhead Medical Building, Clatterbridge Vaccination Centre, Leasowe Pharmacy, Moreton Cross Group Practice and Woodchurch Leisure Centre are able to give the vaccine to children aged 12 and over, meaning whole families can take advantage of the walk-in offer. Opening times vary and people are being urged to check the NHS Wirral CCG website or the national site finder before attending.
Vaccines will be available on a first-come, first-served basis and those with appointments at participating clinics will be able to continue to attend at their time slot and receive their vaccine as planned.
The Oval Leisure Centre and Somerville Medical Centre vaccination sites are also offering COVID-19 jabs without appointments this week to those aged 16+. Pop up vaccination clinics are also running at Rock Ferry One Stop Shop (Tuesday 18 Jan 3pm-8pm) and Future Yard, Birkenhead (Wednesday 19 Jan 5pm-9pm).
Dr Abhi Mantgani, Clinical Lead at Birkenhead Vaccination Centre, is urging people to not delay getting vaccinated and to find a local, convenient walk-in site this week.
He said: "The vaccine is our best protection from the Omicron variant, especially the booster dose which tops-ups protection from the first two jabs. As we continue the fight against the virus, I'd like to encourage everyone who's not yet vaccinated or due a second or booster dose to please come forward. Find one of seven sites in Wirral available for walk-ins this week."
Regional Director of Commissioning at NHS England and Improvement and Senior Responsible Officer for the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme in the North West, Dr Linda Charles-Ozuzu, added: "We know that people have busy lives but protecting yourself and your loved ones against the virus is vital at this time. Walk-in sites make it even more convenient for people to get vaccinated and with this in mind, we've been able to offer more walk-in sites across the region, as part of the national WOW Week of Walk-ins.
"In the North West, we have now vaccinated more than 14 million people, including 3.6 million boosters – an incredible effort from NHS staff, volunteers and those who have come forward for their jab."
All walk-in site details can be found using the site finder website.
If anyone prefers to have an appointment, they can book using the national booking service or by calling 119.